Race car transport - How shipping of New Race Cars works?

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Race car transport

Deliver your racing cars with a dedicated service, specialized in this field. This is the only way you can be absolutely sure that your car will be ready.

Race car transport with no problems

Every time an auto manufacturer sends out a new car, there is a truck that carries it to a dealership. Somehow it seems funny that cars, which are made to be driven have to be carried. Yet, nobody would want to buy “a brand new car” with 3,000 miles on the dashboard. It is not new anymore. What is more interesting is that transportation costs quite a lot to automakers around the world.

The cost of shipping a new vehicle to a dealership is called a destination charge. As you can imagine, the customers pay it as part of the vehicle’s price.

This occurs in the form of a tax that does not depend on the type of vehicle. Usually, automakers receive a nationwide average for this cost. This can only mean that, even if an SUV costs more than a small compact car, the tax for both of them remains the same whether the vehicle travels one mile or 1,500 miles from the factory.

Shipping of new race cars.

One special case is the delivery of new race car hauling loads. It is completely forbidden to transport race cars by driving them. The main reason for this is the damage the road and weather would cause to vehicles. Most of the time, race cars have their own trailers with branded names and logos.

These specially designed vehicles are custom-built aluminum trailers with two enclosed decks and they are usually used by Indycar and NASCAR teams. The shipping of NASCAR cars has turned into a special service and the people behind the NASCAR haulers are united in a culture of devotion and care to these vehicles.

race car transport

After all, it requires extra effort to make sure the race car gets in time for the start. Nobody wants a race without the racing cars, right? 

Just contact us. Make sure you take the right decision.

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